


365体育备用网站交通部门为参加365体育备用网站和Head Start的各种学生安排交通服务.


有关2023-24学年交通服务变化的信息可在以下网址找到 2023-24学年的交通变化页面.


航班的出发/到达时间 文件包含服务于这些地点的巴士的预定到达和离开时间的信息.

365体育备用网站服务标准 包括有关谁有资格获得365体育备用网站服务以及他们可能有资格获得哪种服务的信息. 还有关于公交车站位置的信息, 变更公交车站位置的条件, 以及使用备用地址.


的 交通主管部门 is looking for Hourly Bus Monitors and Crossing Guards. 阅读更多关于我们的工作机会!

请联系365体育备用网站部 transdept@chenyingwy.com 欲知更多资料.



布鲁克·纳尔逊, 布鲁克·纳尔逊(布鲁克·纳尔逊)被聘为“安全上学路线”(SRTS)项目协调员。. 在这个角色中,布鲁克将与[…]


Part of the 2023 Budget plan includes changes to transportation services. 的 changes provide significant budget savings without large-scale changes.



关于 1/3 of Seattle Public School students walk or bike to school most days! 查看资源,以支持更多的学生步行,骑自行车和滚动.


In spring 2023, 邓拉普 and 南海岸 students submitted designs for an art competition. 这些是史密斯女士的设计. 阿德里安和先生. 西雅图交通局将于明年在街道上绘制霍纳的艺术课程! 的y’ll be on the “Healthy Street” route between Othello Playground and 雷尼尔山海滩 library.

海豚骑士艺术家:Ryo Taylor
的 Bunny and the Nuggets with the Umbrella, Artist: Yolanda Pablo Pablo
Dude with glasses, hat, and hand in a peace sign rides a green and purple bike.
Three pigs with sunglasses on hold each other on to ride a blue bike.


365体育备用网站365体育备用网站部 can be reached in the following ways:

电子邮件: transdept@chenyingwy.com

MS 23-169

Please include your student’s name, student ID number and how we may contact you.

请注意:当校车提供服务时,365体育备用网站365体育备用网站部接到的电话数量最多, 每天7-10分钟.m. 2-5分.m.

A student’s eligibility for transportation is determined based on the following factors:

  • 年级水平
    • 小学和K-8学校有1英里的步行边界. Eligible students are provided service primarily on yellow school buses.
    • 中学场地有2英里的步行边界. 通常是黄色的校车.
      • If the student’s assignment address is within the attendance area, 并且在两英里步行范围之外, the student is eligible for district arranged transportation (usually yellow bus service).
      • 如果学生的作业地址在出勤区域内, 并且在步行边界内, 他们没有资格乘坐交通工具.
    • 高中场地有2英里的步行边界.
      • 一般来说,高中学生没有资格乘坐交通工具,需要通过公共交通工具来满足.
  • 学校/计划
    • 出勤区学校的交通服务仅限于其出勤区边界.
    • 选择学校的交通服务通常限于其地理位置所在的中学出勤区.
    • If a student is placed in a program that is not available at the attendance area school, then transportation is usually provided in alignment with the Linked 学校 Charts.
    • 选择作业不符合交通条件.

有关365体育备用网站资格的其他信息可在365体育备用网站服务标准中找到, 哪些位于主要的交通网页上.

If there are additional questions/inquiries about transportation eligibility, 请联系365体育备用网站交通办公室.

司机计划按预定路线行驶. 然而, 由于交通原因,有可能出现延误, 天气, 建设, 以及其他情况.

When the bus is late, we recommend that your student stay at the bus stop location. 公共汽车, 或者一辆替代巴士会尽快完成路线,如果你不在车站,你可能会错过巴士. Families should create a plan with their student in the event that the bus is late.

To get an update on the status of your student’s route, check the 延误巴士信息页 在交通网站上. 您也可以拨打206-252-0900联系365体育备用网站部.

Students may have one bus stop in the morning and one bus stop in the afternoon. If you are requesting a stop change for a daycare or alternate address, you will need to contact the transportation office and provide the following information:

  • 完整的日托/备用地址
  • 负责你的学生的人的名字
  • 可以打那个人的电话号码
  • Your student’s name, student ID number and your contact information

Normal processing for a stop change request could take up to two weeks. 由于申请的数量很大,预计在学年开始时需要额外的处理时间. If you are requesting a different bus route or different stop location, you will need to contact the transportation office and request your preferred bus/bus stop. Plan on providing a brief explanation for why you are requesting the change.



To report a complaint, you should contact the transportation office by email

transdept@chenyingwy.com or 206-252-0900.


  • 巴士路线,事故发生的日期/时间
  • 事件解释

如果你想知道调查的结果, 你需要留下你的名字和联系方式.

适用于K- 12年级的通识教育学生, parents do not have to be at the bus stop for their child to be let off the bus. 然而, 我们鼓励所有家长/监护人制定一个计划,以便他们的学生安全到家.


Special education students in grades first through 12th must be met at their bus stop location, 除非他们的父母/监护人上交了 责任解除表 which gives permission for their student to get off the bus without someone present. 的 责任解除表 is available from your student’s bus driver, 以及365体育备用网站主页上的表单链接.

If a special education student cannot be dropped off because someone was not there for them, 或者一个通识教育的学生在没有人接他们的情况下下车时感到不舒服, 将发生以下情况:

  • 公交车司机会联系调度员,让他们知道他们有一个学生不能/不愿下车,在大多数情况下, continue their route to deliver any other students still on the bus.
  • 调度员将通知365体育备用网站人员,他们将试图联系家长/监护人.
    • 如果能联系到父母/监护人, arrangements will be made to connect the student to their parent/guardian.
    • If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, all other emergency contacts will be attempted.
    • 万一找不到人, 该学生将被送回学校,由学校工作人员照顾,或者被带到最近的警察局. 的 parent/guardian will be responsible for picking their student up.



如果您要求更改您当前的服务地址, 你需要给交通办公室发邮件,地址是 transdept@chenyingwy.com.


  • 完整的日托/备用地址
  • 负责你的学生的人的名字
  • 可以打那个人的电话号码
  • Your student’s name, student ID number and contact information that you can be reached at


一项新的全州计划允许青少年(19岁以下)免费乘坐公共交通工具. This means that ORCA cards are no longer being provided through 365体育备用网站.

新的请求将需要通过 myORCA网页.

Please visit our ORCA card page for current ORCA card information.

的re are several reasons why transportation service for you/your student may have changed.

每年, 目前正在修改学校的分配界限,并在学校翻修时重新安置了一些建筑物. 的se modifications will impact the transportation being provided.

在某些情况下, 以前在IEP中有专门交通服务的学生可能不再需要上一学年提供的相同水平的服务.

是的, your student may ride home with another student who is assigned to a bus route. A temporary transportation pass (yellow card) can be obtained through your student’s school. 大多数学校要求家长/监护人签署一份声明,允许学生乘坐公共汽车到另一个站点. 你需要知道巴士号码和停站位置.

Buses routes are planned so that students arrive 15 minutes prior to school. 目标是让校车在学校开始前至少10分钟到达学校吃早餐.

是的. 的 交通主管部门 develops snow routes to respond to ice and snow events, 并与西雅图市交通局密切合作,确保在这些事件中做出协调一致的反应. 详见恶劣天气365体育备用网站计划. (11月更新)

365体育备用网站正在与Zūm合作,为学生提供校车和其他交通工具. 在过去的两年里, Zūm已经成功交付了21个,000 safe rides for more than 500 students in 365体育备用网站. Zūm与全县250多个学区合作,自2019年以来一直是365体育备用网站的交通合作伙伴.  Zūm接送学生的司机要经过审查,包括背景调查和疫苗验证. Zūm also offers a parent app where parents can view their child’s driver and vehicle, 取消乘车, 跟踪骑行并接收接送通知.

供通识教育学生乘坐校车, 如果学生因病暂时不骑车,不需要通知交通部门, 假期, 或者其他原因. 如果学生不使用巴士服务或学生使用我们的替代服务提供商,则需要通知交通部门.

对于特殊教育的学生,如果学生因病暂时不能乘坐,则需要通知交通部门, 假期, 或者其他原因. We will also need to be notified if they are not utilizing transportation services. 如学生连续3天未骑车且未事先通知,交通服务将被暂停. 如果发生这种情况,您可以联系365体育备用网站部门恢复服务.

图片由 马塞洛Cidrack on Unsplash