Start of School Forms

Summary: We have gathered some essential information to be ready for back to school.


First Day of School 

  • 1 - 12年级学生 Wednesday, Sept. 6
  • 学前班及幼稚园学生 Monday, Sept. 11

查看所有2023- 2024学年日期.



Please click the following sections below for general back-to-school information provided by the district. Additionally, please check with your student’s school for specific information.


New Student Enrollment

到8月31日你的孩子会满5岁吗? 你的家人会是西雅图的新居民吗? 然后是时候注册下一学年了.



Students may apply to attend a school other than their attendance area school through School Choice. 查看分配信息 学生作业查找工具.

You will need the student’s identification number and birth date to use the student assignment lookup tool. 您可以通过以下方式找到您的学生证号码 登录到The Source网站.

Have you moved? If you have recently moved it is important to update your address with 365体育备用网站. If you do not update your address with the Admissions department, it may result in your student(s) being dropped at the end of the school year.

Read SPS 学生分配和家庭搬家规则.

Child Find

Child Find是一个定位过程, identify and evaluate any child from birth to age 21 with an established or suspected disability. 及早发现残疾有助于父母, students, and schools in the design of appropriate educational services and supports. 阅读更多关于Child Find的信息.


为学生提供的额外服务 Find information and links to many services that special education students may access, related topics, 以及相关部门.

填写学生资料核实表格. 6-30, 2023

The student data verification form enables parents and guardians to update their household and student information online. This form includes the important student health information, 紧急情况和家庭联系信息, and much more.  

To access, 登录到您的源帐户 and select Student Data Verification form from the navigation menu.

Under FERPA, SPS may disclose appropriately designated “directory information,” unless you notify SPS in writing that you do not want the information released in accordance with the procedures outlined on the FERPA form.

If a parent/guardian would like to exclude a student’s information under FERPA, 包括地区摄影和录像, 他们必须完成并提交 在10月1日前将FERPA表格寄给学生所在的学校.

Notice of anticipated 2023-24 Surveys and parent/guardian rights


Read more about the surveys and options for parents/guardians 2023-24 Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment Annual Notification of Rights.

Schedule immunization and physical appointments with your healthcare provider as needed. Check your student’s vaccination records or contact your health care provider to be sure your student has received all their required vaccines.  

If you received a letter from Health Services about vaccines your student needs for school, please make sure they receive the immunization(s) listed in the letter. Send the immunization record to the school nurse or have your health care provider fax the record to the nurse.  了解更多关于学生免疫要求.

药物授权 在学校和其他地方拍摄 健康服务表单可在部门页面上找到.


This form is also available in The Source through the Student Data Verification Form.

HPV Immunization

Washington State law requires that parents/guardians of students in grade 6th-12th be provided information about Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and the availability of a vaccine.


New this year, 365体育备用网站 created a document to help students and families navigate the high school course registration process!

The introduction guide is designed to help students and families make informed decisions as students plan for high school classes and beyond. This information is a complement to the information provided by high school counseling teams.


Naviance is used to support our students in middle and high schools and their families. With Naviance, 学生可以探索大学和职业道路, analyze skills and talents with career and personality assessments and develop plans to stay on track and reach academic goals.  

 航空选择退出窗口 Families that do not want their student to use Naviance can opt out by changing their preferences in the Source. 2023年的退出窗口将是8月28日至9月29日. 


印度教育计划第六章 (只限新生,如适用,请返回)

Breakfast and lunch will be served at no cost to those students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals.

Additionally, 365体育备用网站 has several schools that will offer free meals (breakfast and lunch) for all students.

了解如何申请营养援助, 往你学生的账户里存钱, 或者检查菜单和过敏信息.


All students can receive an SPS device at the beginning of the school year.  



Students and families in need of internet access should apply to the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households.  

Learn more about ACP.

iPad Student Forms

Laptop Student Forms



The Source displays student attendance, assessment sources, and progress reports. It is also how families can access School Pay to pay for student fees (ex. 年鉴和ASB卡).  




Family-teacher conferences for students who attend elementary and K-8 schools are scheduled for Nov. 21-23. 我们收集了一些建议来帮助你做好准备.
Graphic with photo of Superintendent Jones and brightly colored circles with text


我们很高兴地欢迎我们的学生, families, staff, 以及2023- 2024学年的社区合作伙伴!    …

Graduation Dates

View 365体育备用网站 high schools graduation ceremonies dates. 地点及时间一经确认,将即时公布.